“The sun is shining on us…” Oh yes, on the opening day, the weather was definitely fine. In addition, the team, which turned up in quite large numbers that day, was also in high spirits. As early as 9:00 AM, the first people checked in to work on the deck chairs. Some chose to work […]
When we started our adventure in the IT market more than 11 years ago (still under the name TJ.Software), it came as a great surprise that a woman was the head of a company in this industry. As I remember today, when just three years after our inception, we hired our first female programmer. We […]
Big project, big dreams, big preparations 🙂 and yes, we’re about to launch. Only three days separate us from the moment when we’ll see if our assumptions and plans will resonate with the team. There’s a lot of excitement in this final stretch, but also a lot of faith! We believe we have managed to […]
As they say, within every man lies a little boy, and within every woman, a little girl. In line with this theme, we organized a day of fun at the FastPark Rope Park for our team to celebrate Children’s Day. Since Children’s Day would not be complete without the presence of actual children—that is, not […]
In the era of remote work, we wanted to increase the interaction between colleagues. The introduction of the Kudos system turned out to be an ideal solution. How does the system work in our company? Let’s start by explaining the word KUDOS. According to the Oxford Dictionary, “KUDOS” is a Greek word that means praise […]
These days, it is very trendy to change IT-related jobs, and we can see this happening every day. Moreover, from our experience, it looks like it brings benefits for both sides: people entering the IT-World and our industry learning from other’s experience. I would like to share a brilliant example of a successful transformation from […]
Everything started around April a few months ago when we all were forced to stay at home. We missed our employees a lot, so we sent them some gifts… Gifts had a small secret, an introduction and rules describing our new idea for team integration during hard times of isolation. We thought a lot about […]
Creating an up-to-date, meaningful, easily usable documentation is not trivial. This article shortly reviews 3 tools that could help automate the process. I focus only on Python tools that can be used for internal documentation. I think we’ve all been there: Personally I’m guilty of all the “sins” above. “Let him who created a project […]
Finally, after a few months of analyzing the pros and cons, I can officially say that BlueRider.Software is a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA). Hopefully (and all signs on the Earth seem to confirm that) it’s just the beginning of a great adventure. Let me briefly explain why I think so. I […]
Technical knowledge that team members have, not always related to day by day job, is incredible. Very often it’s hidden and almost impossible to discover due to the lack of opportunity to express and share it. Based on BlueRiders team request we start a new series of internal Tech Talks to share knowledge and allow […]