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SODA — Software Development Association Poland

Finally, after a few months of analyzing the pros and cons, I can officially say that BlueRider.Software is a member of the Software Development Association Poland (SoDA). Hopefully (and all signs on the Earth seem to confirm that) it’s just the beginning of a great adventure. Let me briefly explain why I think so.

I got to know about SoDA a few months ago from one of its founders – Konrad Weiske. Since then we (myself, Marta and Andrzej) had many internal and external discussions about our possible involvement. Personally I was a bit skeptical about the idea. The yes comes to us with a message about SoDA Conference #1.

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SODA #1 Conference

Our thoughts before SoDA Conference #1

I did not assume great deal of involvement on our side (2–3 hours a month at max). It was more like ‘give it a try’ with few items that we know might be helpful for us:

  • Access to various contracts agreements in Polish & English
  • Software House community news, legal issues, opportunities, and problems.
  • In case of emergency access to #Bench (a list of developers available in other software houses that currently are out of the project).
  • Conferences every few months (I did not expect anything special as in past years, in many conferences, the level of presented information was not so great).

The conference changed my mind 180 degrees.

Our thoughts after SoDA Conference #1

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SODA — Software Development
SODA — Software Development3

First of all the event was top level both from the organization and the content point of view. A really, really good plan of action presented by SoDA directors for upcoming months and years makes it very clear — BlueRiders is going to spend many many valuable hours with SoDA and their members. And here is why:

  • SoDA not only provides contract examples, but they also have an entire legal team on board (Kancelaria SZiP), where lawyers are available on Slack channel !!! (impressive)
  • If all conferences and lectures brought so much value I would go to all of them :). Concrete, solid, right to the point lectures. I definitely want to see and hear more and I’m going to have multiple occasions not only on conferences but also on meetups, webinars, breakfasts.
  • Contacts, contacts, and contacts. Coffee breaks, lunch … after parties… 🙂 were not only to make my stomach full with fabulous food but mostly to make new contacts, exchange experiences in running a Software House, as well as opportunity to potentially start new projects/business.
  • And last but not least, getting together so many companies, employing together over 5000 people, can finally be big enough force to be heard by Polish Politicians in many cases: law changes, tax changes, hiring costs and many others.

I’m looking forward to the upcoming months and years and after SoDA Conference SoDA #1. I’m very glad that C-Level BlueRiders decided to join the Software Development Association Poland.
Big congratulations on building such a valuable organization in just a few months for SoDA founders. Fantastic job.

Tomasz Roszko