Białystok Test of IT Professionals 2018
It was our great pleasure to support and be part of the Białystok Test of IT Professionals organized by Białystok Technical University. Over 200 students tried their skills against questions and tasks prepared by Białystok companies including BlueRiders!!! The best students got valuable prices and confirmation that their education is going in the right direction.

Białystok Test of IT Professionals 2018
First of all, Congratulations !!!
Big congratulations to all participants and especially the winners of 2018 edition. For those who missed the live speech made by our Head of Development Andrzej Rusewicz, catch the youtube video bellow.
Why did we decide to support it?
Well, everyone in IT world realizes it is all employee-driven market. Getting to well-qualified software engineers is extremely hard. That is why more and more companies (including us) are looking for talent at the early stage of their career.
I’m not talking here about the knowledge of specific programming language (that too, it’s good to start with…). But what is even more important is to find people that are ambitious, want to achieve more, and be the best with what they are doing. People that are innovative, creative, and able to find better solutions faster.
Did the event meet our expectations?
Definitely YES !!! Plenty of passionate young people, seriously interested in what companies are working on, exploring opportunities. Impressive results reached by students (20/20 in some categories) clearly showed huge potential. Now the ball is in our court to use it.
Big congratulations for organizers — Białystok Technical University.
What does it take to prepare for an event?
There is a couple of things that you need to handle as a company:
- Dedicated person responsible to put all the things together (big big thx for Wojtek Łaguna who managed the event on our side !!!)
- A dedicated person for a day of the event (probably HR or someone familiar with the target group)
- Organize a stand and gadgets to get initial students attention
- Prepare presentations and videos that will shortly explain what, when and how — about your company — Jokes and anecdotes are most welcome 😉
- For this particular event help with questions for a specified category (Python in our case)
- Help during the test itself by being present in a classroom
- Support financially, witch in Białystok is not crazy expensive