Structuring textual enterprise
data to solve real-life problems
with uncompromised quality.

Case studies


Sienkiewicza 40a 15-004 Białystok Poland


Team Events, canva, featured image

Team Events

During many years of our activity, we worked with hundreds of software engineers — developers, data scientists, testers and so on… All of them have their strengths, weaknesses, professional and personal ambitions. Making them work as a team is not an easy task, especially with so many different and talented personalities.

There are many things that the management team can do to help employees work as a team.

  • Clear and understandable processes developed by team members itself or with their approval / understand
  • Make team responsible not individuals — Team wins and team loses
  • Fair treatment, rewards, and salaries based on a transparent system for all employees
  • Team Events — work hard, play hard — together, and this is what I want to focus on at this story 🙂
Team Events1
Team Events2
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What do we do to make team not only work but also play and have fun together?

  • Monday morning breakfasts
    Integrate team members after the weekend, allow to share passed two days adventures, findings and observations 🙂 much nicer start of a work week than tickets 😉
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  • Monthly outings (beer, games, paintball)
    Almost every month we tried to go somewhere together, very often team chooses paintball, soccer match, or just a beer.
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  • Friday board games
    Playing board games such as Battlestar Galactica, Eclipse, Game of the Thrones and many others…. with pizza, drinks, and beers is one of our favorites activities.
Friday Night Board Games — Battlestar Galactica 1
Friday Night Board Games — Battlestar Galactica 1

Friday Night Board Games — Battlestar Galactica

  • Play soccer together and other sport activities — nothing jells the team as good as common goal of winning with the opponent !!!
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  • Big parties at the end of the Year
    Well, it’s even hard to describe, take a look at one of the party movie below. Every year party is different with a different theme and scope, but it’s huge all night/day event with big fun that team remembers for weeks and months… (Big thx to Fastevent who is taking care of our fun during parties :))

Is it worth doing it ?

Yes and yes and one more time yes… have employees work as a team, become friends, build fantastic atmosphere is something that you simply can’t replace with nothing else.

Tomasz Roszko